Tummy time forms part of development in infants. It is a process where you place your infant-who is either sleeping or awake-on their tummy while supervised. This simple task has a massive impact on the development and learning process of your baby.

This aids in the development of the muscles and motor skills to be used in various developmental stages such as crawling and walking. It is very important to understand when it would be best to initiate tummy time, how you can make this activity somewhat fun for your baby, and the derived benefits of making it easy and convenient to encourage your baby's development.

1. When To Start Tummy Time

Start Early

Begin Tummy Time as Soon as Your Baby is Born

There are lots of benefits that accrue from initiating tummy time as early as when a baby is born. Begin by placing your awake and supervised baby on his stomach as early as when you bring him home from the hospital or even at the hospital. The early beginning of tummy time is good for infants as the earlier it starts, the better it will be for the development of his muscles and motor skills since early childhood is a tender age for kids.
Even though this may be very small even waking them up for a few minutes every day under supervision while on their stomach gets them familiar with this new position, setting grounds for future muscular development. Early practice of skills is very important if crucial developmental milestones are to be attained.

Just a Few Minutes Can Make a Difference

Tummy time does not have to be for a very long time at first. Even just this small exposure daily to the position will do your baby good. While this does not sound like a lot of time, it is sufficient to build up the strength of the back and neck muscles of a baby and for the baby to start getting used to the new posture.
This extended time will help your baby further develop the required motor skills and muscles. Tummy time is very important in their development and in preparing them for other stages of development, such as rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.

Gradually Increase Time

Aim for 2 to 3 Short Sessions Each Day in the First Few Weeks

Start with two to three short sessions of tummy time each day in the first weeks after birth. You can make each session a few minutes long only so you do not overwhelm your little one. The most important thing is going bit by bit, continuing to build up their strength and resistance. The muscles and stamina of a child at this stage are too tender hence, every session needs to be short and manageable.

This way, starting with such a short period would gradually allow the increase in tolerance and comfort, hence allowing tummy time to be accepted and an eagerly waited for part of daily schedules. It saves irritation or any other type of discomfort due to this process by gradually getting the baby accustomed to being on the stomach for longer periods.

Increase Duration to 5 to 10 Minutes Per Session as Your Baby Grows

Gradually increase tummy times when he gets comfortable and stronger in those muscles. Increasing the time develops muscle and motor skills, hence, it prepares him for other bigger developmental milestones such as over and crawling. As the baby gets comfortable, she has maturing muscles and increases tummy time sessions from just a minute or two up to five to ten minutes.

This will further her physical growth enabling her many opportunities for raising her head and pushing up with their arms which in turn helps develop muscles and motor abilities that will later be used for other important firsts like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.

Follow Your Baby’s Cues

Pay Attention to Your Baby’s Comfort and Adjust Accordingly

One has to take a baby's every reaction into utmost consideration while on tummy time. Also, look out for the signs, exhaustion-irritated feelings, and discomfort whatever the case may be close this very session at this very moment and try some other time when the kid looks unhappy and distressed.

This is a detestable and counterproductive experience in case one makes them stay in this tummy time position when not ready. Pay attention to their reaction and based on their feelings, adjust the duration or frequency of tummy time so that your baby will keep this as an agreeable empowering activity.

Adjust as Your Baby Grows

With time your baby may probably get used to the tummy time and enjoy it more when they grow up. They do get used to the role and may work for a very long period later on. Be flexible, and adjust the length and frequency of your baby's tummy time based on changing needs and abilities over time.

With this strengthening and overall alertness, you will be able to gradually extend tummy time over time and continue supporting their overall development. You will know through their cues that tummy time is nonaversive and pleasurable for them and thus can be a positive part of their daily schedule.

2. How to do Tummy time

Start with a Comfortable Setup

Lay down a soft play mat or blanket on the floor on which your baby will lie. The smoother it will be, the more fun this tummy time will be, and the better it will protect their tender skin. There shouldn't be any part around them with a solid surface or coarse patches as that too is uncomfortable. Prepare an area in which your baby feels safe and invited to start strengthening those muscles.

Place Your Baby on Their Tummy

Gently place the baby onto his tummy on your mat or blanket. Let your baby be wakeful and alert for this time. You will have to place him onto his tummy in a wakeful state while giving him tummy time. This way, they can strengthen those muscles that are needed to lift and push them up. Make him comfortable and readjust if necessary.

Stay Close and Engage

Lie down on the floor beside them at a level with your child. Your baby will be braver and closer to you when they can see and know you just beside them. The view of you would inspire your baby to lift his head and have a look around hence, the developing of the motor skills of the baby. Lying down next to your baby makes tummy time much more interesting and reassuring to him because it is interactive.

Use Toys to Capture Attention

A few soft-colored toys should be put in your baby's line of vision. The toys should have stimulating colors with varying textures. These toys will keep your infant reaching out and looking around. This is a very important stimulation in that it even encourages the use of muscles and makes tummy time an interesting, enjoyable time for your baby.

Talk and Sing to Your Baby

Lie on your stomach and sing soft songs or talk with your baby. The sound of your voice would make the tummy time affable which soothes the baby and uplifts him. Melodic voicing or telling with your infant will create great rapport and motivate them to do things. Your voice will also make it less intimidating for your infant and more satisfied with the action.

Gradually Increase the Time

With your baby still young start tummy time starting with short sessions of a few minutes. Gradually increase this time as the baby gets stronger, building up the muscles in preparation for that posture. This is because with increased time they can build strength in those muscles plus endurance whereby they will not tire easily. This is a gradual process mechanically helping babies get physically developed and accustomed to being on their tummies for times that could be a little longer.

Take Breaks as Needed

When the baby seems tired or irritable, stop. Let them catch up with more time later when they seem ready. You are going to keep tummy time favorable by taking breaks-meaning you are going to avoid frustration. Many times in infants it is necessary to build up a tolerance to something new that keeps them comfortable and open to the activity through breaks.

Make It Part of a Routine

You are going to introduce tummy time acclimatization into a routine or daily schedule. You are to name three to four parts of the day when transitions go pretty well. What this means is that a routine will acclimate your baby into tummy time in daily schedules. You definitely will not forget to give them such an opportunity from time to time to develop muscles and motor skills as it is going to be put in the schedule.

Celebrate Progress

Praise every little effort your tiny one puts into tummy time, even for reaching out for a toy or probably holding their head a little higher than before. Such words apart from positive feedback will surely make them confident and even let them be there a little longer during tummy time. Undoubtedly, a celebration of achievements by a baby will surely encourage them toward tummy time and help in general development.

3. Benefits of Tummy Time

Strengthens Neck Muscles

This no doubt is one of the best ways to strengthen neck muscles in a baby, lying on his stomach will require him to lift his head to see the surroundings pretty good exercise, and one which can firm up neck muscles quite handily for other areas of development.

Neck muscles have to be strong enough to hold the head up, but they also provide a basis for later-stage achievements such as sitting up or crawling. Once these start to strengthen, your baby will be much better equipped to go further with their physical development.

Prevents Flat Head Syndrome

Flathead syndrome is the condition whereby babies develop flat areas on the back of their heads after spending a lot of time on their backs. Tummy time prevents this by placing your infant in a different position.

Since it strengthens neck and head muscles, tummy time promotes natural shape allowing pressure in your baby's head to be evenly distributed. It is the latter of these changes that becomes most applicable to the prevention and management of flat head syndrome.

Encourages Visual and Sensory Development

This generally provokes visual and sensory development through gazing around and exploring. In that view, they develop the following motions with their eyes and even focus on various objects. The refinement of the ability of perception through the eyes is catered for in perception and understanding.

Tummy time exposes babies to different textures and sounds helpful in stimulating sensory development. This is because the first sensorial irritation forms the very basis your baby depends on first for his cognitive development and secondly to help him realize that there exists an environment.

Boosts Social Skills

Tummy time allows for face-to-face interaction with the caregiver, something very normal and availing avenues for social skill development. On his tummy, your baby will be able to view you better and perhaps connect with you more personally. It is from this personal encounter that emotional bonds and communicative abilities develop.

This develops his social behavior since he gets to respond to your voice and your facial expressions. These early social contacts have been referred to as the foundation of all relationships later in life, and the communication skills later in life.

Prepares for Future Milestones

Tummy time lays the foundation for most of the other more well-recognized milestones. All these different skills your baby will pick up through tummy time lifting the head, pushing up, and later crawling form a base upon which new abilities will be acquired. 

This also enables the child to develop the strength and coordination that may allow him to roll over, then sit up, and learn how to walk. At the same time as you provide support during the early phases of physical growth, you are preparing your child through specific development milestones in the process of growth.