Cheating can be traumatic and unbearable, especially if it's done by someone you love deeply. Although it may be devastating to know the truth, boundaries, and self-respect are even more important things you should prioritize for your well-being. If you see the clear signs of your husband cheating on you, it might be best to confront and talk out the issue at first.
But first, be certain if your husband is cheating on you. And we emphasize this fact heavily. It's easy to get suspicious and doubtful about your husband's behavior but it's also important to make sure of his infidelity. You might not want to ruin your relationships out of mere suspicion. Below are 20 of the obvious signs men show when they are cheating on their relationship.
1. Increased Time Away From Home
It's not an issue if your husband has started coming home late because he got a new job or he is working overtime, the problem is when he is late for no reason and has different excuses whenever you ask the reason.
He might also form a new hobby as an excuse for your questions. Other signs to look for when he is late are when he is constantly being late or missing out on your appointments or plans together.
2. More Attention To His Appearance
One of the common signs men show when they are cheating with someone is they become obsessive about their looks and fashion all of a sudden. He might get an unusual haircut and start wearing expensive and fashionable clothes that are out of his character.
Your spouse might start hitting the gym out of nowhere. Additionally, you might see new types of skin care products in the bathroom.
3. Changes In Sexual Activity: More, Less, Or Different
Your husband might start to show less or more sexual desire. In most cases, men likely lose their sexual interest with their wives when they're involved in an affair. You might experience a lack of sexual intimacy and connection in the bedroom.
If your husband is cheating, he is likely to show new techniques and poses during sex. Additionally, he might be unusually aggressive during intimacy due to the feelings of guilt from cheating.
4. Signs Of Disinterest In Previously Enjoyed Activities
One common sign of infidelity is when your husband lacks interest in or abandons his hobbies altogether. For example, if your husband used to read a lot, he might become uninterested in the activity and read less often.
He might instead seek active dopamine which might be using a smartphone a lot or doing outdoor activities. Additionally, if he was very talkative with you before, your husband now might speak less often.
5. Increased Difficulty In Communication
He might become difficult to talk with and may distance himself away from daily conversations. Likewise, he might ignore what you say and zone out when you're talking to him. Additionally, your husband can be less interested in having deep and intimate conversations.
He is less likely to respond to "sweetie" or "I love you" comments. He might look a little off when you talk to him about dating and future family plans.
6. Changes In Attitude Or Mood Around You
Infidelity becomes his guilty pleasure and as a consequence, he acts irritated and short-tempered. He might become insecure when you try approaching him romantically, especially when you try to make eye contact with him.
He might moreover, stop complimenting you. He might look stressed out all the time due to fear of exposure and may act defensive when you question his excuses.
7. Changes In Personal Scent
Another common sign of when husbands cheat is their clothes smell different than usual. You might notice a different smell when they come home. This signifies that either he was with someone or he has been using different shampoos or perfumes than usual, in both cases it suggests a change in his usual behavior.
Your husband additionally, might try to enter straight into the bathroom after coming home to remove the smell.
8. Signs Of Dishonesty
Signs like dishonesty are common among fraudsters and cheaters. Your husband might start to lie very often, even about simple things. He might get so insecure and defensive, that he will try to impose his obvious lies during conversation.
Moreover, your husband might try to gaslight and bend the facts. He will get anxious and nervous when you confront him with his blatant lies.
9. Unexplained Expenses
If he's cheating on you, he will have to get money from somewhere to afford a date with his sweetheart. You might notice frequent high money withdrawals and expenses from your shared bank accounts.
And if you manage to ask and question the type of product he bought with the money, he might give stupid reasons like, buying something simple and cheap which does not add up to the expenses.
10. Obsession With Smartphone
Your spouse might start showing his sudden interest or unusual obsessions with his phone. He might get protective of his phone and try to keep it with him all the time. His phone's security settings like passwords or patterns might get changed.
Additionally, he might get more hooked and obsessed with texting than usual. Your husband might also show signs like stepping out of the room when the phone rings and changes in the mood after the phone call.
11. Disliking Family Gatherings And Outings With Friends
It's okay if your husband has always been a shy and introverted person who doesn't like gatherings and events. However, if your husband is an extroverted and socially active person but has shown less interest in gatherings and outings in recent days or weeks, it's a highly suspicious behavior.
He might try to send you off to the outings and use this situation to meet his girl.
12. Blaming You For Infidelity
Yes, this might sound odd to hear but the cheater will try to accuse you of infidelity even though you have always been a loyal wife to him. If this accusation is suddenly pinpointed to you out of nowhere, you should be suspicious about your husband.
He might additionally, bring out your past mistakes and faults to justify his cheating to himself. He will act short-tempered and constantly try to question and reason with you about your loyalty to him.
13. Repeated Criticism
Your cheating partner will make repeated criticism about you. It may be about the things you do or speak. He will try to objectify you and criticize your looks and body shape. He will try to make you feel inferior and ugly.
Additionally, he may start to get angry about small things and feel disgusted with your presence. He might start to slowly lose love and interest in you as he constantly compares you with his girlfriend.
14. He Neglects You
This is another obvious sign your husband will show when he is cheating on you with someone else. He becomes so preoccupied with the thoughts about his affair woman, that he will ignore you involuntarily most of the time.
He might not communicate openly about things the way he used to before and might not be the one to initiate the conversation. He will share less and less about issues and problems with you.
15. You Start Feeling Uncomfortable In The Relationship
Even if you didn't have the idea of the signs we have mentioned in this article, you would have gotten this gut feeling or knack of something going off. Maybe it's because of the way women are designed biologically that way, they have this instinct when things seem off or unusual.
If this is the case with you and you feel kind of suspicious about your husband, you should compare other signs with his behavior and confront him.
16. People Around You Drop Hints About His Disloyalty
People around you whether it's your relatives or neighbors who may have seen your husband with other girls might be trying to inform you in indirect ways. His friends especially, might act unusual and nervous around you and try to avoid direct eye contact with you as they are most likely to be informed of his misdoings.
All in all, if people near you try to inform you of his misdoings, you should try giving them your ear.
17. He’s Slow To Respond When He’s Out With Others
This sign depends, however. If he's always been terrible at responding to calls and messages, that's just who he is. That's a part of himself but if he usually used to respond to your calls in no time before when he was out with his friends or doing important work, that's concerning.
That just shows that he is busy and hiding something. Additionally, this also shows that he has started to ignore you.
18. Either Overly Affectionate Or Completely Withdrawn
Your husband might act overly affectionate towards you at certain moments and be completely ignorant the rest of the time. Cheating husbands usually do this to protect themselves and to hide their suspicious behaviors from their partners.
Additionally, they might be doing this to reimburse for their guilt of cheating their wife with the other person. Besides being a common sign of cheating, pampering men are red flags and you should avoid them.
19. He Claims To Watch Something But Can't Remember It
If he goes out to watch something with friends be it their home or movies, he cannot remember the name of the movie. If you ask him, what was the movie, he might get caught off guard. He might tell you some movie name that was released way before in the theatre.
One thing to remember when questioning him is he becomes so anxious and nervous from your question, that he will almost show it in his face.
20. He Doesn't Accepts Nice things
As part of his mind is guilty of cheating and misdoings, he might hesitate to accept your help in certain things. For example, If he had a cut on his hands, he would stop you from caressing and giving a gentle puff to his wound.
He will likely say, "It's nothing" or "I will do it" as an excuse. Additionally, he might stay stiff and straight when you try to cuddle with him in bed or sofa.
What Next?
So what next? what should you do after you've found out your husband is showing the signs mentioned above? Don't panic and don't jump into a fight with your husband. Be systematic and follow these steps.
1. Be Open With Him
It's important to keep your calm in this scenario and not get overwhelmed with feelings and emotions. Sit down and talk to him about the signs he's been showing. Approach the case indirectly because we as a human can make mistakes and you may have been misinterpreting his actions wrong all the way along.
If it does not help, you should try couple therapy and discuss the problem with a psychotherapist.
2. Take Care of Yourself and Seek Support
If your husband shows clear-cut signs of cheating and doesn't want to visit a counselor with you, this advice is for you. Firstly, don't panic and be hard on yourself. Talk to your trusted friends and close family members about the problem. You must seek the support of other people.
You can't fight this alone. Exercise and eat healthy foods as you don't want your problem to enlarge itself into a mental health problem. If it becomes hard for you to endure the pain, you should consider attending therapy alone.
3. Listen to What He Says
It's important to listen to him before taking serious marital actions. If he gives clear reasons and if you were the one who misinterpreted it all along, then you must seek couple therapy along with your husband. If your husband is rude and angry while explaining his reasons, there is a high chance that he is cheating on you.
If however, he is calm and serious about the issue, you should talk it out or discuss the problem with a third person like a psychotherapist or social worker.
4. Get Yourself Checked for STD's
While being distracted by overwhelming pain and agony, don't forget to be cautious of your health. If he is the cheater, he should suffer not you. Gather up your energy and get an STD test so that your future is secure.
Cheating spouses are likely to have multiple sex partners and indulge in prostitution activities. So it becomes highly necessary that you get yourself checked up.
1. Should I stay or leave after discovering infidelity?
The answer depends. If your husband has been cheating on your way before, you must take serious legal action. But if the issue can be solved with open conversation and if trust can be rebuilt, you should take the latter step.
2. Can a relationship survive infidelity?
If the cheating partner is sorry for their mistake and if there is any chance that the trust could be rebuilt, yes relationships do survive infidelity.
3. What are the steps to rebuilding trust after infidelity?
Firstly start having open conversations regularly with each other. Build strong obligations and prohibitions to strengthen the relationship and prevent it from infidelity in the future. Work on building trust with each other.
4. How can I cope with the aftermath of infidelity?
Seek help from people either friends or professionals. Work on yourself. Maintain your diet. Educate yourself on common mental health issues.
5. How to prevent infidelity in marriage?
Partners need to be open about their feelings and desires. Prioritize intimacy and emotional connection. Don't let small disagreements spread their roots.